Clinc: Offering An Ultramodern Approach To Customer Service

2 min readFeb 17, 2021

Customer Service Like Never Before

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, companies like Clinc are capitalizing on these growing advancements. More specifically, they’re finding ways to breathe adaptability, convenience, and transparency into conversational AI. Customer support is one area Clinc focuses on, and the tremendous strides they’ve made have reduced customer support costs and enhanced customer experience.

Introducing All-New AI-Based Virtual Assistants

Though virtual assistants are growing in popularity, no AI platform has managed to hit the mark. In most cases, these platforms fail to understand a customer’s needs, resulting in frustration and wasted time. Limited capabilities and insufficient technology are often the culprits for this miscommunication. To provide the customer of the bank with relevant, quick responses, Clinc’s world-class AI researchers have developed sophisticated technology that conversationally assumes a knowledgeable human customer service operator’s role.

In addition to addressing customer issues, this conversational AI technology quickly and efficiently resolves problems. As a result, financial institutions can field more customer questions without increasing support costs. Moreover, thanks to the efficacy of this AI-based customer support system, it promotes customer engagement. Unlike older virtual assistant platforms, Clinc’s AI technology encourages and inspires customers to voice their comments, questions, and concerns.

Clinc’s AI Methods Get Results

With an impressive 95 percent resolution rate, Clinc’s platform touts itself as one of the most successful on the market. Since human input is only required five percent of the time, businesses can rest assured that their support costs won’t rise. Plus, Clinc’s AI technology has proven to deliver faster responses than when a representative is involved. Clinc attributes its remarkable track record to the efforts of its research team.

Other Ways Businesses Benefit

While Clinc’s AI technology has demonstrated superior abilities, the biggest draw is that their technology is automated and can provide support on weekends, holidays, during meetings, and after office hours. There are fewer disruptions, allowing customers to receive the answers they need whenever and wherever. Automated solutions are also highly scalable, ensuring that a company’s customer support team isn’t overwhelmed with requests. In essence, with Clinc’s platform, consumers can ask questions through virtual chats, calls, or emails, absolving human staff from these responsibilities.


About Clinc

Clinc is a global conversational AI platform provider deploying the next generation of natural language processing and deep learning technology for enterprises. Clinc has deployments in 6 countries and 80 languages and partnerships with some of the world’s largest institutions. Clinc’s groundbreaking technology is delivering new, extraordinary experiences for millions of users worldwide.

Clinc AI




Clinc conversational AI for enterprises supports complex conversational flows to deliver sophisticated voice and chat solutions for all industries.